A. Name of the Society
The association is registered under the name of
“Eating Disorders Association of Pakistan” under the Societies Registration
Act, 1860.
B. Registered Office
The registered office of the society is situated in
Islamabad, Pakistan.
C. Membership of the
The subscribers to the Memorandum and such other
persons as shall be admitted to membership in accordance with these Regulations
shall be members of the association and shall be entered in the Register of Members
maintained in accordance herewith.
D. Number of members
For the purpose of registration the number of
members of the association is hereby declared to be unlimited.
Application for membership
Any person who desires to be admitted to membership
in any class shall sign and deliver to the Society an application for admission
specifying the class of membership sought and framed in such terms as the Board
shall require accompanied by the payment of the prescribed admission fee, if
any, and one year's subscription in advance (if applicable). It shall be open
to the Board to accept or reject any application for membership without
assigning any reason for such acceptance or rejection, as the case may be.
Categories of members
There shall be following categories of members:
Founder Members: The subscribers to the Memorandum
of Association shall be the Founder Members.
Professional Membership
Professional membership reflects high standard of
medical or paramedical knowledge. Individuals with a postgraduate-level
qualification who have worked in the fields of psychology, psychiatry,
medicine, pharmacy,nutrition, dietetics, nursing, social work, or any relevant
field for a minimum of 2 years are welcome to apply for this membership.
Community Memberships
Community memberships are open to all individuals
for community who want to support our mission and vision.
Volunteer Memberships
Membership as volunteer is for students who are
currently enrolled in a relevant undergraduate program and individuals who have
completed and earned a relevant undergraduate degree who are not practicing in
a relevant field.
Exclusion from membership
Any member of any class (other than honorary
members) may be excluded by a resolution passed by a majority of 3/41h of the
members present at a General meeting called for the said purpose. Such member
or members shall be given fourteen clear days’ notice of the General meeting
and shall be entitled to attend the meeting and be heard there at but shall not
participate in the voting. Any member excluded from the membership of the
Society shall nevertheless remain liable to pay to the Society all moneys
which, at the time of his ceasing to be member, may be due from him to the
E. Disqualification
The office of members of the Board shall be vacated
if the member;
a.is found to be of unsound mind by a Court of
competent jurisdiction; or
b.has shown lack of fiduciary behavior as a director
of any company and a declaration to this effect has been made by the competent
court; or
c.accept or hold any office of profit under the
Society; or
d.is convicted by a competent Court for an offence
involving moral turpitude; or
e.Accepts any loan or honorarium from the Society.
f.Provided, however, that the office of a member of
the Board shall not be vacated by reason that the member concerned is a
director or member of any company or corporation which has entered into
contracts or done work for the association but the member concerned shall not
vote in respect of any such contract or work and if he does so, his vote shall
not be counted.
g.Fails to attend three consecutive meetings without
prior intimation or justification.
F. Elections
The elections of the association will be held after
completing its one year. Only Founder members shall have the right to vote and
the members of these classes alone shall be eligible to be elected as members
of the Board and shall each have one vote.
G.Duties of Office Bearers
President shall chair meetings of the General Body
and Executive Committee. The president shall also represent association on all
platforms. President shall have the powers to authorize any expenditure in case
of any requirement after prior approval from any member of the Board of
Vice President
Vice president shall have responsibilities similar
to president except financial and administrative powers.
Chief Operations Officer
Participates and recommends in the formulation of
policies and makes decisions within existing policies as they have been
approved by the Board of Directors. Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates
the team, programs and activities of the association to assure that the
objectives are attained, plans fulfilled and member needs met.
General Secretary
Will prepare and maintain any official documents of
the association. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep membership
records; record attendance at meetings; send out notices of board and committee
meetings; record, preserve and email the minutes of such meetings; report
annually the memberships including new and old as well as resignations, provide
monthly attendance report.
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for
managing all financial accounts and transactions of the societies. He shall
keep charge and control of all cash, securities, books and other documents and
vouchers for all payments made and receipts issued on behalf of the society. He
shall prepare the annual statement of account, the balance sheet, the monthly
financial statements and other statements as the Board may request;
Support & Training Director
Will be in
charge of developing a plan to provide support to people with eating disorders.
Will also ensure to deliver accredited trainings to all the members of the
association as well as potential members in line with the objectives of the
Fundraising Director
To increase the income of the association by a
variety of means, including preparation of grant applications, approaching
charitable trusts and companies for support and engaging individuals in
fundraising activities. To communicate sponsorship and fund-raising
opportunities of the association to an identified and agreed range of
Marketing & PR Director
Develops and manages the marketing strategy for the
association’s programs and services. Is in charge of all the association’s
communication and public relations activities.
Research Director
Will be in charge of proposing, planning and conducting
research projects in line with the objectives of the association.
H.Source of Income
The funds of association shall consist of
contribution from members.
I.Annual Audit
Once at least in every year the accounts of the
association shall be examined and audited by a chartered accountant duly
appointed by the association. The remuneration of the auditor may be fixed by
the association in general meeting.
J.Bank Account
The books of accounts (inclusive of supporting documents. vouchers, contracts and other papers) shall be kept at the registered office of the association or at such other place as the Board shall think fit and shall be open to inspection at any time by members of the Board during business hours.
The Board may meet together for despatch of
business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings and proceedings as they
think fit. Questions arising at any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a
majority of votes. In case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a
second or casting vote. The Secretary or any two members of the Board may at
any time summon a meeting of the Board.
The Board shall hold not less than four meetings in every year and shall
preferably meet once in each quarter. A notice of not less than 14 days shall
be given of each meeting. Provided that a meeting may be held at shorter notice
if not less than two-thirds of the Board members so agree.
L. Quorum
No business shall be transacted at any general
meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting
proceeds to business. Five members of the association entitled to vote shall be
the quorum for a general meeting.
M. Amendment
The board of governors will be called for making any
amendments in constitution and will make such amendments in 2/3rd majority of
the executive committee.
N. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the association its assets left after meeting its liabilities, if any shall be transferred to any other society with same aims and objects and registered under society’s registration act 1860.
O. Board of Governors
Save as otherwise decided in a General meeting the
number of the members of the Board shall not be less than four nor more than
P. Executive Committee
There shall be an executive committee appointed by
Board of Governors. The executive committee consists of the following:
l General Secretary
l Support and Training Director
l Fundraising Director
l Marketing and PR Director
l Research Director
l Head Representatives