Eating disorders threaten physical and psychological well being and, sometimes, life itself. This
coupled with the fact that eating disorders usually manifest themselves during puberty (usually
between the ages of 12 and 25) and that cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have doubled
over the past decade should be viewed as a call to action for teachers everywhere.
This is an overview of eating disorders and describes how teachers can help play a role in prevention.
Although written for all teachers and administrators, this information will be of particular interest to
health education, physical education and consumer science teachers, as well as coaches.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, each year millions of people develop eating
disorders. An estimated 4 – 6 percent of adolescents and young adults are affected by eating
disorders. That means that in a class of 400 students, 4 or more students probably have eating
disorders. While most cases are middle to upper-income women, researchers report an increasing
number of cases among males and other age and socioeconomic groups.
There are various types of eating disorders, however anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the
most commonly known. Binge eating disorder or BED, Night eating syndrome, orthorexia, bigorexia to name a few also require treatment.
The following is the criteria for eating disorders. All criteria must be met in order for a case to be
recognized as anorexia or bulimia.
Anorexia Nervosa:
refusal to maintain weight that is above the lowest weight considered normal for age and height
intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight
distorted body image
in women, three consecutive missed menstrual periods without pregnancy
Bulimia Nervosa:
recurrent episodes of binge eating (minimum average of at least two binge-eating episodes a
week for at least three months)
a feeling of uncontrollable eating during binges
regular use of one or more of the following to prevent weight gain: self-induced vomiting, use of
laxatives or diuretics, strict dieting or fasting, or vigorous exercise
persistent over-concerns with body shape and weight
Binge eating disorder is defined as binge eating without purging (vomiting, abusing laxatives or
over-exercising after eating). Although less is known about binge eating disorder, it is believed to
be characterized by binges that occur, on average, at least twice a week. The binge consists of
much more than most people would eat within and hour or two. The binge eater also feels out
of control.
A binge-eating episode is also associated with at least 3 of the following characteristics:
eating much more rapidly than normal
eating until feeling uncomfortably full
eating large amounts when not physically hungry
eating alone as a result of embarrassment about the amount eaten
feeling disgusted, depressed or guilty afterwards
Anorexia is characterized by an intense fear of being fat. A person with anorexia hardly eats at all
resulting in severe weight loss. Anorexics weigh at least 15% below the range of normal weight for
age and height. Even when thin, individuals with anorexia see a person that is fat when they look in
the mirror. Over time, women suffering from anorexia stop menstruating and may damage vital
organs including the heart and brain. Anorexics may exhibit the following symptoms as well:
Cold sensitivity
Compulsive behavior
Fine, downy hair covering the body surface
Hoarding of food
Paleness (from iron deficiency) or a yellow tint to skin (resulting from eating large amounts of
vegetables with carotene)
Delusion of fullness during starvation
Hoarding of food
Bulimia is a serious eating disorder typified by eating excessive amounts of food in a short time
followed by purging (vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics, strict dieting or fasting or vigorous exercise
in order to rid the body of food and prevent weight gain). Some individuals can have both anorexia
and bulimia. Often, people with bulimia can be hard to identify as they may exhibit average or above
average weight. Individuals with bulimia may also exhibit the following additional symptoms:
Abdominal distention
Chipmunk-like appearance
Scarring on the back of one hand (from inducing vomiting)
Dental deterioration
Diuretic or laxative abuse
Weight fluctuation of more than 10 pounds in one-month period
It is important to realize that eating disorders are usually symptoms of underlying psychological
problems. People with eating disorders “tend to be perfectionists who suffer from low self-esteem
and are extremely critical of themselves or some aspect of their physical make-up. Studies have found
that those with bulimia nervosa are often impulsive and are statistically at higher risk for other
disorders such as depression and alcohol or other drug abuse. Anorexia nervosa patients, however,
have often been described as “model children” who were very obedient, kept their feelings to
themselves and were good students and athletes.” They also exhibit a striking pattern of depression.
The increasing incidence of eating disorders in adolescence demands new teacher awareness and
understanding in order that schools can play a key role in prevention and early recognition of
students with eating disorders.
Early Recognition:
Eating disorders are most successfully treated when discovered early; so school staff should be
knowledgeable about and able to identify symptoms of eating disorders. Teachers also need a well-
defined plan of action for intervention and must know where to refer students for assistance.
Schools can help prevent eating disorders by promoting sound nutrition principles and healthy body
concepts through curriculum, staff role models and by providing a supportive environment.
Quality nutrition education not only strives to increase student knowledge of basic nutrition
principles, but also to change attitudes and ultimately impact behavior. The CDC Guidelines for School
Health Programs Promoting Lifelong Healthy Eating states that school-based nutrition education
programs are most likely to be effective when they:
Help young people learn skills (not just facts).
Give students repeated chances to practice healthy eating.
Scarring on the back of one hand (from inducing vomiting)
Make nutrition education activities fun.
Involve teachers, administrators, families, community leaders, and students in delivering strong,
consistent messages about healthy eating as part of a coordinated school health program.
Nutrition education should not be the sole focus of prevention efforts, however. Many researchers
stress the importance of improving self-esteem, body image and coping skills of students. Students
need to learn and practice expressing their feelings, dealing with negative comments or failure and
even coping with family problems. These topics should be part of a comprehensive school health
Physical education teachers and coaches need to be especially alert to signs of eating disorders. Girls
participating in sports where they are encouraged to diet are at special risk for developing eating
disorders. Gymnasts, ice skaters, dancers and even runners are told time and time to go on a diet.
Although not common in boys, sports like wrestling with specific weight categories, gymnastics,
rowing and running, can put athletes at risk eating disorders too.
Athletes with eating disorders often find that they lack the energy or nutrients to perform at their
best – the opposite of what they set out to do. Coaches should take special care to emphasize the
importance of eating adequate calories and nutrients to support performance. Drastic or unhealthy
weight loss techniques should be discouraged and athletes who need help with their diet should be
referred to a registered dietitian for counseling. Coaches also need to advise students of the dangers
of over-exercising. The body needs rest, to repair tissue and restore glycogen levels for peak
Finally, schools need to provide an environment that promotes wellness instead of thinness. Does
your school and/or school staff:
Recognize and address size discrimination?
Teach and model sound nutritional and exercise principles?
Recognize and provide counseling for students under stress?
Remove barriers to physical activity?
Know how to recognize and approach students with eating disorders?
Provide healthy food choices in the cafeteria, vending machines and at school events?
Promote student self-esteem and support networks?
If you answered yes to all of these, then your school is a true advocate for student health.